Fixing Potholes: Our residents need to see more action
I saw this letter to the editor in the Tacoma News Tribune the other week and it reminded me that while we have come a long way in addressing our street maintenance issues, we still have a long way to go. It has been three years since we passed our street repair initiative and while the city has made some great progress, our residents need to see more.
Fixing potholes is a perfect example of my campaign’s “focus on the basics” message. Delivering effectively on the core services of the city government, like filling potholes and fixing roads, must to be a top priority for Tacoma. While it will not make headlines, it will rebuild trust in our city government. With this trust, we can take on the big challenges we face in our future and have the citizens on our side.
I hope that our city can see this letter as what it is, a chance to build trust and goodwill, one street at a time.
You can request to have a pothole on your road fixed by filling out this form.